
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No follow up

I've decided not to bother continuing my unfinished game list posts. They are incredibly long lists and really, no one really cares about what I have played or not.

I enjoy writing this blog. I know that very few people actually read it, and i'm ok with that. After all a game obsessed stay at home mom isn't all that interesting. Not to mention that this blog was started for me to rant and rave whenever I chose.

I let this blog stagnate for month after month until recently. Many things factored into that.

Lately I've been trying to write on a more regular basis but sometimes, I'm not sure why I do it.  I mean, gaming blogs are a dime a dozen, but good ones are rare. This is not a good one. It's me. Talking about myself, my family, my life.

So, I'm giving serious thought to just, closing up shop so to speak.
I don't know, maybe I'm just moody.