
Friday, March 1, 2013

Castlevania: Mirror of Fate

(lazy me double posting here and on FB :P )

Here's a game no one is talking about and it comes out in 4 days...

I adore Castlevania, though Order of Ecclesia was kinda..meh . I can't get into  Lords of Shadow for numerous reasons, one of which is my hatred of spoilers...and man was it spoiled majorly like RIGHT AFTER I bought it.

Console Castlevania games have all been pretty blah to me, except for the cheesiness of Castlevania64 and of course the awesome SOTN. But handheld ones, man I eat that shit up! I've lost count how many times I played Aria of Sorrow & Dawn of Sorrow (Soma FTW!) I also have a slightly unhealthy crush on Juste Belmont...sure his game was an utter c/p uninspired rip of SOTN but he was so much prettier than Alucard.
But, I digress...

So, I haven't finished and don't forsee finishing LoS anytime soon, but I am kinda interested in this one. I need more Castlevania handheld goodness in my life (that sounds...kinda wrong)..also, sappy me teared up watching the trailer for this.

I just can't rap myself around the whole stupid premise of this reboot though. I won't spoil it for anyone else but, i can't reconcile all the Castlevania games I've played with the turn in the story that LoS took. So I guess I'm just trying to decide if the Castlevania game play on another handheld after waiting so long can override my aversion for the rebooted story....


Jim said...

I loved all the Castlevania games I did play but I never had one on a handheld

Unknown said...

oh your missing out, the GBA and DS games are fabulous. Especially Aria and Dawn of Sorrow.

BLD said...

Loved the reboot. I grew tired of the 2D games some years ago. My hope is that Mercury will continue to do them but they have already said 3 was the last one.
In fact Mirror of Fate was designed to kind of keep the nay-sayers out of their hair. In other words you wanted a 2D game, there you go.
I'll be sad to see this dev leave this property.

Unknown said...

Well then i guess Mirror of Fates was made just for me. I hate the reboot with an all consuming passion. Almost as much as I despise the DMC reboot bullshit.
Lords of Shadows is utterly derivative and inferior to the games it rips off and I won't even go into the clusterfuck the reboot does to the entire Castlevania story. I will probably never finish that game and I don't really care.

Much like every other 3D Castlevania game its a total fail.