
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fixed the Comments!

So, thanks for letting me know that my comments had gone kaputz James. I fiddle around a bit and I'm pretty sure they are good to go now.

While I'm here, I might as well give a quick update as to what's been going on.
Been pretty busy, kids, doctors, all that jazz. And games, of course, lots and lots of case.

We've been checking out a lot of the indie games on the XBOX, fun times. Found a few good ones.
I've kind of been doing more game buying than game playing past couple of weeks cause I've been giving the kids a chance to play their games.

The other night I did sit down to play Mass Effect only to fall asleep 15 minutes into it, controller in hand.
Last night was just the opposite, I couldn't sleep so I was up til 5am, first playing SOTN and then playing Sudoku on my DS (my secret addiction...DS Sudoku games)

Right now I'm chillin in bed while my oldest plays Fallout 3 and the other 2 play...well I don't know what the hell they're playing but they are both extremely engrossed in their DSs.

Tomorrow I guess I'll write my "serious" post on here because my husband is waiting for his 15 minutes of blog fame as I talk about his gaming widower/binge player status.

I really need to get caught up. I haven't done any reviews, or posts, or art, or anything. Been spending my time gaming, watching TV, and talking a good game online ;)

my poor art blog has been languishing for ages and it continues to do so as I get sucked in by more reruns on TNT and more games. I'm such a procrastinator.

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